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Friday, November 4, 2011


A couple weeks ago I started my PLAS program for Kped...
It was soo excellent! Although I was pretty nervous, I stood there in the
gym waiting for them to rush in with excitement... I wondered to myself
Are they as nervous as I am...

The Clock strikes 12:00 and through the gym walls I hear screams coming

The doors swing open and here come 26 grade 5ers busting through with smiles and laughter
Three girls quickly come up to me with hugs and introduce themselves..Everything is going great.
I have the kids line up on the side of the wall.. there classroom teacher walks in sternly and tells
them to give me there listening posturing. They sit cross-legged with their palms up and most importantly

Eye Contact

I then proceed to introduce myself...

Hello my name is Ms.Liz!

all the kids go CrAzY!

Thats the name of our bus driver!! (they call out)

Then with that a boy on the end says LIZZZAAARRDDD!!

His teacher quickly glares and tells him to show me respect immediately

Fine... he says.... Ms.Lizard! LOL
I chuckled to myself and went on with the program. I really found the best name game. I thought since I wasn't familiar with any of there names what a perfect opportunity to start with a name game.
called Flying Chicken.                                                                                                 OVER
I have the kids in two groups one group is in a line passing a rubber chicken            AND           their
bodies. Either going under their legs or over their head. When the chicken reachs the end person they yell out..  FLLLLYYYINNNGGG CCCHHIIICCKKKEEENNN   and thhhhrrrooowww the chicken across the gym. And while their passing that chicken over and under themselves the other group is in a circle repeating each other's names and when the chicken is thrown they go grab it and form a line and start passing it over and under, while the other group forms a circle... etc.
Well needless to say it was a HUGE hit amongst the grade 5's.
This Plas program confirms my heart's place in education,

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